


A strong and independent person with a big heart , that's what comes first to mind at the mention of Central Asian Shepherd . These dogs are willful , but reliable and committed owner. Powerful, big, physically well developed dog , he is fearless and honest in the fight against the enemy. Kindly refers to the home , and is subject to its owner unconditionally . But , at the same time , respects himself and believes independent personality . Therefore, the animal and the approach should be special. This unique dog is always there , it will be able to support you and will always help . In the care of not picky , but it's better diet is balanced. Parenting dog will require you a lot of effort and patience , they love long walks , as well as communication with other Central Asian Shepherd . If you respect your pet , then he will answer you the same . This proud animal can not and will not cringe , so the best option will be to earn his trust , then it will take you too .


Breed Standard FCI № 335:

Body type. Rude with a massive bone structure and powerful muscles . Often there are dogs of this breed with signs of "light" body with a lack of inherent breed vigor. Thick leather with a well developed and sufficiently elastic subcutaneous tissue , often forms folds in the neck area .


Index of format . Males: 100 - 105, female: 102 - 108.


Height . Males are not less than 65 cm, at least 60 females , see


Features of behavior . Type of higher nervous activity , balanced , calm . The predominant type of reaction : active way of protection.


Sexual type . Well defined . Males more courageous , silnee and heavier than females . Sexual dimorphism is clearly expressed .


Wool. Hair coarse, straight, with well developed undercoat . On the head and front of the clutches of the hair is short , adjacent ( in the straightened form ) to the skin. Varieties of this breed are determined in accordance with the length of wool : a) long-haired (7-8 cm) on the back and body, especially on the ears , neck, back and front of the hind limbs , on hvoste.b ) shorthair (3-5 cm ) and hairless .


Color . White, black , gray, straw , red , spotted, speckled , and spotted .


Head . Massive , broad skull department with very developed cheekbones . Forehead flat feet barely visible . Muzzle slightly shorter than the skull, the eyes wide , slightly tapering . When viewed from the front and top face has a rectangular shape , while , as when viewed in profile it has a truncated form with a massive upper lip that hangs down in the corners of mouth. Powerful nose and black. In dogs with a light color of bleached allowed (brown) nose.


Ears . Small , hanging , low-set , triangular shape ( cropped short in puppies ) .


Eyes . Dark, widely spaced apart , rounded , planted directly .


Teeth. White , strong , fit snugly together. Cutters at the bottom at the same level . Scissor bite .


Neck . Short, muscular , bring low, with the back line forms an angle of 30-40 degrees .


Chest . Broad, deep , with rounded edges. The bottom line of the chest is at elbow level or lower.


Stomach. Moderately tucked up.


Withers . Tall, well marked , especially in males. Height 1-2 cm more than the height at the sacrum .


Spina. Strong, straight, wide .


Loins . Short, broad , slightly rounded.


Sacrum . Broad, muscular, almost horizontal.


Tail. Set on high and has a sickle-shaped , hanging along the length reaches hock. Shortly docked.


Forelimbs . Viewed from the front straight and parallel. Length paws up to his elbows ( from the ground to the elbow ) is slightly more than ½ the height at the withers. Angle of scapular- humeral articulation about 100. Forepaws straight, massive , long , pasterns short, broad , strong and straight.


Hind limbs . Arranged in parallel, slightly open at the knee and hock. Legs short , dense metatarsal located right .


Feet . ( Front and rear ) are strong, oval, compact .


Movement / gait . Heavy , short trot and canter are the most common types of gait of this breed . When trotting , legs should move in a straight line to the characteristic convergence forepaws to the middle axis.


Disqualifying faults. Any deviations from the correct scissor bite . Absence of one incisor or one canine , third or fourth premolar or one molar.